Get More Referrals Challenge: Send Your Requests (Day 4 of 5)
As we jump into Day 4 of our challenge, we're ready to send off your referral requests! By combining your persuasive one-step ask with your enticing success story, you're sharing a compelling message that is sure to capture the attention of potential referral partners and their networks. Tune into this episode to hear more about how to pull this together and get it sent.
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Looking to grow your client base through word of mouth referrals? If so, join the 5-day Get More Referrals Challenge to learn proven strategies for turning word of mouth into a powerful marketing tool.
As we jump into Day 4 of our challenge, we're ready to send off your referral requests! By combining your persuasive one-step ask with your enticing success story, you're sharing a compelling message that is sure to capture the attention of potential referral partners and their networks. Tune into this episode to hear more about how to pull this together and get it sent.
Don't miss out on this opportunity to build your referral network and grow your business. Find the full challenge series in the Get More Referrals Challenge playlist and join us today
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Coming in January, this set of templates and trackers comes ready to use. No video watching necessary. Grab it in my store at a discount during the pre-order period:
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There are likely referrals that you're leaving on the table by not asking for them. It doesn't hurt to ask.
Welcome to our five day Get More Referrals Challenge. Over the next five days, we're talking concrete actions you can take to drive more and better referrals for your business.
Want to get this challenge in your inbox? Head over to to get on the list.
It's day four of our Get More Referrals challenge, and today we're sending your requests.
It's always great when people send referrals our way without us asking, but you miss a hundred percent of the referrals you don't ask for. There are likely referrals that you're leaving on the table by not asking for them. It doesn't hurt to ask.
When you ask you make it more clear who you're interested in working with and for what type of work. You can also shape the kind of referrals you're getting even from people who are already sending them.
Day one, you built out your list of referral sources.
Day two, you created a success story.
Day three, you paired that with a specific one step ask.
We're going to put it together today in an email, so what you're going to do is you're going to draft a template that combines your success story with your step ask.
I recommend putting the ask before the success story, so your note on top is going to be pretty simple, one or two lines.
Hey, I'm just reaching out because I'm looking for more. Insert this kind of client who have insert this kind of problem and are interested in this kind of solution. Then you're going to say something like, I want to share a recent story that you can forward on or look below to learn more about how I work with people, and you're going to make your ask, what is it that you want them to do?
Forward it to prospective clients. Send people to my contact form. Invite them to a webinar that I'm doing. What is the thing that you want them to do? What is that action you want them to take? So your top of email ask is going to be pretty short, one to three lines, maybe four.
Keep it simple, keep it specific. Below that, and I recommend even below your signature, include the success story, include the success story you wrote with the client, quotes, images, anything that you have there.
This all becomes fantastic information for your referral partner and also really great material for them to forward. You're going to put it all together and you're going to send it off to the people that you wrote up on day one, your referral sources. Now you can do this one-on-one in your email inbox.
You can send personal notes or you can do it as an email segment. It's up to you and it kind of depends on how much time you have. One-on-one is always better than group when you can swing it, but if you're busy, it's okay to send it to the group. You might want to fuss with this template as time goes on.
I always recommend you start a Google doc of your referral asks so that you have this messaging handy. It becomes sort of an archive of the referral asks that you've made. You could return to it when you inevitably get booked off of your referral asks. You can come back in a few months and remember what you last asked people to do and how exactly you phrased that. And that's it.
You're going to send this off and you're going to see if anyone has any referrals for you.
Now you might say, Lex, I don't know that these people are going to have referrals right now, and that's what Day five is for.
So come back tomorrow, learn what we're going to do next. I have a plan if these folks don't have immediate referrals for you right now.
Thanks for tuning in to the Get More Referrals Challenge. If you want more info on how to take these action steps, make sure to sign up for the challenge list at
If you're looking to move even faster with referrals, check out my Rev Your Referrals System in my Gumroad store. It's not a course, it's a set of tools that you can put in place right away to drive more referrals. It's a system that includes trackers and templates. You have two choices. You can do it by yourself or you can do it with my help. Both are available now with a discounted pre-order with delivery coming in January. Find more info in the show notes.
Stay tuned for the rest of the Get More Referrals challenge and catch up on the other steps by looking for the playlist on YouTube.